
One of the trends in the fashion that is repeated year after year, and with the same success, is the layering, which is nothing else to dress by layers. In these seasons, not only has not left, but has been transferred to the world of accessories and jewelry more than interesting, and is that this technique has the power to transform complete looks, yes, if we apply it correctly .
But there are some points to keep in mind, to make an infallible layering:
1- No maximum number, this will depend a lot on the styling you have chosen. Staying between 2 or 3 pieces will make you easier for sure success.
While a very basic one will admit 3 layers, or more, no problem, in a look that has something more information, the ideal will be no more than two.
2- Another point to keep in mind, perhaps the most important, are the chains. Try to be different, in terms of thickness and form, in this way you will not fall into 'visual noise' but will be complemented with one another. At this point, an infallible trick is that your 'base' is a chóker, and from there you are adding up.
3- And, finally, and not least, the style. The trick here is that when you create your layering, think about the pendant you want to focus and others just have to supplement, combine with that piece, well in the same theme, and / or style.
Tell me if you are already a fan of this technique or if you dare to try it from now on. I hope these tips are helpful, or if you also have someone else, I will be delighted that you share it.
Happy day!
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